旅運需求日益漸增,蟬聯兩年米其林綠星的餐飲品牌-陽明春天與中華航空合作,攜手打造「空中旅人純淨蔬食」機上餐點,為機上餐飲服務提供更多元的蔬食選擇,2022 年 12 月 1 日起全新上線,台灣出發的旅客可於航程前透過中華航空網路預訂,即可品嚐經典蔬食美饌。
堅持在地嚴選食材 陽明春天連續兩年榮獲米其林綠星殊榮
陽明春天致力於推廣蔬食與永續飲食,「不時不食、以食養身」,將食物化為餐桌上的文創,是陽明春天的中心理念。陽明春天於 2021 年榮獲米其林首屆綠星,2022 年蟬聯米其林綠星。本次與華航集團華膳空廚及高雄空廚共同研發「空中旅人純淨蔬食」,且精心設計為機上獨家料理,創下首次米其林綠星餐點高空上菜的紀錄。
「空中旅人純淨蔬食」餐點將自2022年 12 月 1 日起上線,豪華商務艙/商務艙以春天盛合沙拉揭開序幕,包含特製水果莎莎山藥細麵、黑豆胡麻秋葵、松子味噌黃瓜及橙蜜香蘋石蓮花等繽紛前菜;主菜不同於以往的中式素食料理烹調思維,以松露炊飯搭配法式芥子醬新魚排,淺嚐入口回味無窮;搭配精選十多種珍貴中藥材熬煮而成的首烏養生湯。
豪華經濟艙以水果莎莎松子味噌黃瓜與橙蜜香蘋秋葵為前菜,搭配經濟艙四種隨機主菜-紅醬植物肉貝殼麵、白醬植物排藜麥飯、咖哩杏鮑菇燴飯及紅燒植物肉薑黃飯。植物肉品牌使用OMNI 及NEO Foods。有別於以往的東方素食餐點,台灣出發的全艙等旅客皆能品嚐純淨蔬食米其林綠星料理,豪華商務艙/商務艙旅客可藉由網路獨享餐或中式素食(VOML)預訂;經濟艙旅客則透過特別餐中式素食(VOML)預訂。
陽明春天期許一同與身為全球航空產業 ESG 標竿的中華航空,推動蔬食、永續的精神,透過企業的影響力,將此服務擴大至機上,讓生活中實踐蔬食及永續精神更加容易,將善待地球環境的思想傳遞給更多人。
陽明春天榮獲台灣首屆米其林綠星,自2007年 創立至今已15年,於兩岸、新加坡、日本及歐洲推廣蔬食人文飲食、生活美學,也榮獲台灣經濟部及環保局「五星級環保餐廳」、「創意生活事業」認證,曾發行「食養先蔬」食譜、「苦過的回味是甘甜」兩本書籍,為台灣蔬食指標性餐廳。
「不時不食、以食養身」 ,將食物化為餐桌上的文創,推廣更安心的永續飲食,是陽明春天的中心理念。
China Airlines Introduces Michelin Green Star to In-Flight Catering with Plant-based Pure Foods
The lifting of international border restrictions has seen a resurgence in travel demand. China Airlines has now partnered with Yang Ming Spring, a food and beverage brand and winner of the Michelin Green Star for two consecutive years, to create a new "Clean & Green Plant-based Cuisine" to enhance the diversity and quality of in-flight catering services. The new menu will go live on December 1. Travelers departing from Taiwan can make a reservation online in advance to enjoy the classic plant-based gourmet menu.
Yang Ming Spring Restaurant Wins Michelin Green Star Two Years Running by Insisting on Handpicked Local Ingredients
Yang Ming Spring Restaurant has been a long-standing advocate for plant-based food and beverages and local, hand-picked ingredients. Attentive, thought-out preparation of the ingredients not only reduces pollution and waste but also produces low-carbon, plant-based pure foods that embody the best practices in sustainability and environmental protection. Yang Ming Spring Restaurant won the Michelin Green Star award in 2021 and 2022 and the restaurant continues to develop menus that are both innovative and sustainable. The latest creation is the "Clean & Green Plant-based Cuisine" developed in conjunction with China Pacific Catering Services, a part of the CAL Group, and Kaohsiung Airport Catering Services. The exclusive in-flight menu was the first time that Michelin Green Star cuisine has taken to the skies.
The "Clean & Green Plant-based Cuisine" menu will go live on December 1. Premium Business and Business Class will open with the Spring Platter Salad containing a host of colorful entrées such as yam noodles in fruit salsa 水果莎莎山藥細麵, okra with black bean and sesame sauce 黑豆胡麻秋葵, cucumber in pine nut miso 松子味噌黃瓜, and stone flowers with orange and apple sauce 蜜香蘋石蓮花. The main dishes of Truffle Risotto and Vegan Fish Fillet with Whole Grain Mustard break away from Chinese vegan traditions for an unforgettable taste sensation. The Shou Wu Nourishing Soup is made from more than 10 precious traditional herbs. In Premium Economy, the entrées are fruit salsa, cucumber in pine nut miso, and okra with orange and apple sauce. Economy Class will be offered one of the four main dish options at random, these being Vegan Conchiglie Bolognese, Plant-based Meat & Quinoa Rice with Cream Sauce, Curry Stewed Rice with King Oyster Mushroom, and Braised Plant-based Meat & Tumeric Rice. Instead of traditional Asian vegetarian dishes, passengers in all cabin classes on flights departing from Taiwan can now opt for Michelin Green Star plant-based pure foods. Premium Business and Business Class passengers can pre-order through online exclusives or Vegan Oriental Meal (VOML) and Economy Class passengers can pre-order Vegetarian Oriental Meal (VOML) as their special meal.
China Airlines is a role-model in ESG for the global airline industry and continues to focus on sustainable development based on the spirit of "sustainability, environmental friendliness, and local sourcing." In addition to the pursuit of corporate sustainability, China Airlines is also setting trends on plant-based foods in the global airline industry by promoting low-carbon in-flight catering and zero waste. The in-flight catering services of China Airlines caters for diversity. In addition to the newly released "Clean & Green Plant-based Cuisine" (Vegetarian Oriental Meal - VOML), up to 20 special meal options including Vegetarian Vegan Meal (VGML), Vegetarian Lacto-Ovo Meal (VLML), Vegetarian Indian Meal (AVML), Fruit Meal (FPML), Baby/Child Meals (BBML, CHML) and a variety of Nurture Meals are available for those with special dietary needs. China Airlines will continue to introduce starred feasts in the clouds to provide a passenger’s taste buds with a fulfilling travel experience.
搭華航吃米其林綠星餐!「純淨蔬食」明起上線 吃美食也能顧環保
華航攜手陽明春天 米其林綠星12/1全球首登機
China Airlines introduces plant-based inflight catering
China Airlines Debuts Plant-Based Inflight Menu Featuring Vegan Fish Fillet & Meat Alternatives